Tuesday 29 August 2017

Cause and Effect-a few dreams of rajagopal

Embodiments of Love!
Due to other works and travel I could not visit my blog for long!

I am back with a big bang;
There had been dreams in the last 2 months including this day; i will try to remember and record a few major dreams;

Dream 1: ( in June)

My eldest BIL meets me on the staircase; he has his younger grandson ( Vasudevan’s son); he tells something and is holding washed clothes to be dried by spreading on the terrace floor of the house; I collect from him and reach terrace;
Terrace has a different setting; it has the pandal setting of a function being conducted; my Mother in Law in a silk saree is lying on the blanket with face looking at the other side; we talk to each other; she said something which I forgot now

Dream 2 (probably in July 17)

I am sitting with my CMD, knee touching( which is not at all possible in reality) he is talking to me; I visit a house –vast -no human occupants; I see fruits spilled over in a corner-could be green grapes; I feel like eating; in the perceived kitchen( there is no room….it is my perception or knowing) my sister Mythili akka and wife Santha are present; there also I see grapes;  I ask them to get ready as it was getting late; the rooms are very clean

Dream 3 (in July)

I almost forgot; my father is talking and shares…he will not have any problem; everything will be ok…I almost forgot …if I recollect on my own or if any of my nearer people could recall I will give details

Dream 4 (in Aug 2017)

I am with my brother Balaji; I slap him repeatedly and still I am angry with him

Dream 5 (on 29/08/2017)

I am sitting at the edge of a platform; I have not seen that station earlier; my father is on the platform; he gives me a hand to get up from that position; I am without any footwear; he suggests I wear the shoe next to me; the beauty is both the shoes are different—left one design, right another design; travel starts….we talk to each other without verbal transactions; we cross many stations; to me many places seem to be remote which I do not recognize having seen in my current life; I wish to stay in a hotel where I stayed earlier; I do not know/ remember the route to that place; immediately I understand my father’s opinion that I can stay in another place also

Dream 6 (on 30.08.2017 early morning)

Swami Chinmayananda appears and he blesses my younger brother who is the participant in one of the above dream

Note 1:

 in all my dreams, I see/do not see the personalities; in my dreams majority of the conversations are nonverbal; means I know what the other person is telling and vice versa
Note 2:

I learn from the spirit world that after leaving this body, no language is required to communicate as all are in energy wave forms; as thought also is an energy form, communication happens;
I had these kind of dreams when I was in college; that time I was not sure about my future; now I am confident of my present and do not care about the next moment
Note: 3

I will keep recording my dreams regularly
If you have any opinion, you may share

See you in the next episode

With lots of love

श्वस्ति , मङ्गलं भूयात्


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