Thursday 20 September 2018

Another encounter with Ganesh Ji

Embodiments of Love!

Lord Ganesa has a special love for me

 17th September, 2018

Morning tea time in office!

One issue-one relative

There was an issue; one of my relatives is a banker; he is in a professional trouble; I and my wife were praing for an immediate solution; incidentally he is an ordant devotee of Kanchi seer Shri Chandra Sekarendra Saraswati; we just shared seer should bless him.

I collected my coffee and was taking alone; then I moved towards a group; discussion was around company and company politics;

Without any preamble, one colleague shared that 2 banks have merged with another bank; one of the banks is where my brother in law in trouble is working; it was a great news holding a possibility of solution to his problem

No issue-Divine Grace

Another colleague asked if I visited any Ganapati temple as a theme;
I said no and added that I was not fond of going from temple to temple and if our mind is clean He visits those people; left that gathering.

Reached my seat; 3 people came one by one in a minute offering PRASAD –2 from their houses and one from Lalbagh Ka Raja-Mumbai( the important information is that this person is a non-believer of God).

See you in the next episode
With lots of love

श्वस्ति , मङ्गलं भूयात्


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