Thursday 17 September 2015

Sacrifice Part II

Embodiments of Love!


One girl after reading part 1 on sacrifice (titled “Merciless Gods and Sacrifice” ;) wrote to me that she was disappointed with the quality of my article.

In that I wanted to scold the GODs and made use of that essay.

Here in this essay, my natural Love for Mothers has pervaded every word; 

Thanks my dear girl for being one of the guardians of my essay quality;

Hope you will dance after reading this article with lots of tears…...

You never live the same day twice;
So many people make every day count.

Here I go one step higher;
A girl, once married gives birth to a child;
The beauty is that though she never lives the same life twice, still she dies at every stage and survives to give shape to a body and a soul inside before and after birth.

A Sanskrit Subhashitani goes like this:
मात्रा समम् नास्ति शरीर पोषणम्
There is none equal to a mother to nourish the body.

I use to quote on every birthday wish to my friends that mother embodies sacrifice;
After conceiving she is restricted on food;
Restricted on travel;
Restricted on bathing;
Restricted on seeing;
Restricted on hearing;
Restricted on sleeping postures—turning left or right is not her free will;
She finds it difficult to go to the toilet;
She finds it difficult to move;

Then delivery happens;

Ordeals are not over;
Baby cries at night;
She has to wake up and feed even before the baby starts crying;
Baby wets the bed sheet; she has to make the baby dry and protect him from illness;
When the baby becomes sick, she take restricted food as she breast feeds the baby lest the baby becomes affected.

I do not want to turn anywhere to glorify mother
My SANKARA, is there to give me direction
He wrote Matru panchakam (मातृ पञ्चकम्) after the demise of his mother;
Though I have written an article earlier on मातृ पञ्चकम्, I love to quote again in a different context.

In the first verse, he recognizes the immense pains a mother experiences, during and immediately after the birth of a child!

आस्ते तावदिय प्रसूति समये दुर्वार-शूल-व्यथा
नेरुच्य तनुशोषण मलमयी शय्या संवत्सरी
एकस्यापि गर्भभार भरण क्लेशस्य यस्यक्षम:
दातु निष्कृति उन्नतोऽपि तनय: तस्यै जनन्यै नम:

   The unbearable pain endured by her at the time of delivery, the lack-luster feeling and the emaciation of the body during pregnancy, the year-long sharing of the bed dirtied by the baby, none of these sufferings borne by the mother because of pregnancy can be compensated in the least by a son, however great he may be. Salutations to that mother.

Sankara, the Omniscient boy who had renounced everything and was a renowned सन्न्यासि, cries out aloud with the following verse, as he places a handful of dry rice into his dead mother's mouth, as per ritual custom.

मुक्तामणि त्वं नयनं ममेति
राजेति जीवेति चिरं सुत त्वं
इत्युक्तवत्या: तव वाचि मात:
ददाम्यहं तण्डुलमेव शुष्कम्

I only give parched rice to your mouth, my mother, which spoke to me these words, "Oh my dear pearl, my eyes, my prince (king), my life, long live my son!"

When a saint who has renounced the world is vociferous in his love for mother, an ordinary mortal may not be able to compensate Her sacrifice even in my 200 births!


See you in the next episode
With lots of love

श्वस्ति , मङ्गलं भूयात्



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