Thursday 25 October 2012

Imperial Frames

I Saw an Angel today! Though I have stopped writing poems for a long time that Angel inspired me and I can say this is a brilliant outcome!

Imperial Frames

Lotus of my mind,
Failed to raise its head,
Seeing the Sun, early in the morning!

Deprived of conviction,
I resigned to my fate,
As I do not decipher, many a puzzle!

Oh my Angel!
Moon of thy face,
Awakened my soul resolving that mystery!

Leaping in joy,
The sequential peace,
Filled my heart, burdening my bosom!

Moments of thy proximity,
Made aeon witness me through,
Demolishing the Hadean, Achaean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic!

Thy hug so eternal,
Cleansed my soul,
Intensifying my intellect in time so small!

The waves of knowledge,
Reverberate from thy smile,
Banging the darkness from crevices of my being!

The air of thy sweet voice,
Blew away the falsehood,
Spreading the fragrance of intimate care!

Angel of my Life,
Bonding is made not knowing you in Life,
And Liberation happens seeing you rife!

Be with me in my days,
And stay with me during my Deaths,
Taking the toll for my seconds and minutes!

In the cage of thy Love,
Allow me to feel the freak of thy Bliss,
Making this Life worthy of its Time!

With the net of thy Kindness,
Encage the parrot of my heart,
In the castle of thy Feet of enduring compassion!


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