Sunday 25 March 2012

Critical tips for Cheating God

Embodiments of Love!

There was a rich man; he never spent a penny on charity; he did all kinds of business and had a huge reservoir of wealth; he saw a saint sitting under a tree meditating.

Rich man asked the saint, “Swami, how can I get liberation without spending a penny?”

Saint, “Just tell the name of God repeatedly; you will be liberated”

Rich Man: “Swami, I am not like you; I am a busy business man; cannot afford to waste time; do you have any other idea?”

Saint: Okay, at least at the time of death, if you chant His names, you will be liberated!”

Rich Man: “How do I remember His names at the time of death?”

Saint: “simple, assign God’s multiple names to your sons; so that, you would ever call Him only whenever you call your sons”

Rich Man was really satisfied that without any expenditure he was to get Moksha-Liberation!

From that day he started calling his sons as Krishna, Siva and Rama, all the names of Almighty.

He became older; fell sick and was bedridden; his hours were counted by the near and dear.

His sons came to see him closing their shop.

The rich man who was unconscious for long opened his eyes; he saw his sons; slowly he turned his eyes; to his horror he saw all his sons together.

He shouted at them, “Oh fools, you all have come together closing the shop; the business will be down, you Idiots”.

After the last word of “Idiots” his soul quit his body.

Unfortunately idiot was not one of the names of Almighty!

Let us see what Manu Smriti says on Dharma:

एक एव सुहृद्धर्मो निधनेऽप्यनुगच्छति I
शरीरेण समं नाशं सर्वमन्यत्तु गच्छति II 
                      ----Manu Smriti 8/17


aeka aeva suhrud dharmo nidhanaepyanu gachchati  I
sareerena samam naasam sarvamanyattu gachchati  II

Word By word Meaning:

dharmaha:--morality, duty, lawfulness, correctness
sareerena—with body
samam—equal; along with sareeram
naasam—removed, destroyed
anyatt sarvam—everything else

        Meritorious deed is the only friend which follows one even after death.  Everything else, gets destroyed along with the body!
(I have used singular form for Dharma (Meritorious deed) as I do not feel the word, meritorious deed, is the exact equivalent of Dharma)

I love John Milton for his visionary approach

Psalm 4

ANSWER me when I call
God of my righteousness;
In straights and in distress
Thou didst me disinthrall
And set at large; now spare,
Now pity me, and hear my earnest prai'r.-----1

Be aw'd, and do not sin,
Speak to your hearts alone,
Upon your beds, each one,
And be at peace within.
Offer the offerings just
Of righteousness and in Jehovah trust.----4
In peace at once will I
Both lay me down and sleep
For thou alone dost keep
Me safe where ere I lie
As in a rocky Cell
Thou Lord alone in safety mak'st me dwell.---7

See you in the next episode
With lots of love
25 3 2012

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