Wednesday 21 March 2012

Transcendental Love

Embodiments of Love!

Horror News: inhuman and heartless brutality

Patricia Lefranc was left horrifically disfigured after her jilted lover sprayed sulphuric acid on her face. The 48-year-old lady spent three months in a coma. She lost the sight of one eye, became partially deaf, and had to endure 86 surgical operations. Two years have passed since the attack; still the acid continues to erode her skin and eat away her nose. Being mocked by her son’s school friends, being stared at in the street, being cited as example to unyielding girls by threatening lovers..., the horror and shame of it haunts her in myriad forms. 'Remes has ruined my life as a woman.
Courtesy :Yahoo news that appears when we open; what an idiotic love!
How do you tolerate these cruel acts!

i was horrified when i saw Patricia ;
Oh God;
still acid thrown by her so called admirer is eating up her nose; Oh Jesus!

I dedicate this episode to my Sister Patricia Lefranc and pray for her speedy recovery from this brutality, physically and mentally; May Jesus give her all the courage to this brave Girl!

i will ever pray for you Patricia.
I was reading Kathopanishad after coming from office:
यद्वेह तद्मुद्र यद्मुद्र तदन्विह I
मृत्योहो मृत्युमाप्नोति इह नानेव पश्यति  valli II
                                                                 Valli 4-stanza 10

What is here (visible to us in this world), the same is there (invisible in Brahman); and what is there, the same is here. He, who sees any difference here, (between Brahman and the world), goes from death to death.

What a wonderful commentary on seeing everything as one;
Others’ pain should be my pain;
Others’ happiness is mine; if we see any difference then this Life is futile and that person is an unnecessary burden for Mother Earth!

Dear Readers: please do not degrade love by defacing your beloved


See you in the next episode

With lots of love


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